Contact Us

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Bioinova s.r.o.
Vídeňská 1083,
142 00 Praha 4

CIN: 28452682
TIN: CZ28452682

tel.: +420 241 063 352

Where to find us?

Bioinova Headquarters is at the campus of Czech Academy of Sciences.
Parking at the campus is free.

Connection by public transportation do the bus stop “ÚSTAVY AKADEMIE VĚD”
Bus 138 from metro C station Kačerov
Bus 193 from metro C station Budějovická (Poliklinika) or Pankrác
Bus 203 from metro C station Budějovická (Poliklinika) or Háje

© 2024 Bioinova, a.s.
CIN: 28452682

| +420 241 063 352